About the Artist

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A Life with Challenges

I have narcolepsy with cataplexy, a condition that has made life quite challenging. It often leaves me with very little energy, making it difficult to do much besides creating art and sleeping. The real hurdle is cataplexy, where I can randomly experience full-body paralysis for about 15 minutes. Because of this, I rely on a caregiver and seldom leave my home. Loneliness and depression have been lifelong companions due to these circumstances.

Art as My Escape

My art is my refuge and my connection to the world. While I may not be able to experience many things that people do, my art gets to travel the world and bring joy to people's lives.

Spreading Love for Drag

I am passionate about Drag, and I want to share that love with as many people as possible. Because of my condition, I don't attend shows or events anymore. The one exception is DragCon, which I push myself to attend once a year. It's a weekend where I receive more love, hugs, and support than I do all year. I get to witness people of all ages celebrating the beauty that Drag Race has brought into our lives.

It's incredible what a community of people can offer each other when the shared goal is for everyone to live their happiest and most authentic selves. I'm immensely grateful that as an ally, I've been accepted, embraced, and celebrated by the LGBTQIA+ community.

Join me on this journey of art, passion, and love for Drag. Let's spread happiness and embrace the beauty of diversity together.